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Explore the Latest Laravel Release: Version 10.37

By divine_admin_infosys

This week, the Laravel team released v10.37 with the ability to store batch metadata in DynamoDB, assert multiple errors on a field, and more. Here is a bit more info about the new features introduced this week:

Storing batches in DynamoDB

  • You can configure your application to use Dynamo DB using the following config in your phpconfig file:

Assert multiple error messages

  • Assert a list of errors on a field using the assert Invalid ()method:

Add engine() method to Blueprint

Get the indexes and foreign keys of a table

The getIndexes() method returns an array with various keys, such as name, columns, type, unique, and primary, and the getForeignKeys() method returns an array for each foreign key with name, columns, foreign_schema, foreign_table, foreign_columns, on_update, and on_delete.


Release notes

You can see the complete list of new features and updates below and the diff between 10.35.0 and 10.37.0 on GitHub.

Divine Infosys